How To Dance With a Partner

How To Do Continuous Pivots in Partner Dancing

<blockquote><p>Learn how to gently lead and follow every step in every social dance unambiguously.</p><p>"These rules are great. How come everybody does not know them?" ~ Anne, social dancer</p></blockquote>

Learn how to gently lead and follow every step in every social dance unambiguously.

"These rules are great. How come everybody does not know them?" ~ Anne, social dancer

Continuous pivots are possibly the hardest move in social dancing. Perhaps they should not be considered a social dance move. To do continuous pivots, you need excellent balance.

You do continuous pivots by doing a he goes, she goes manuever. First, he goes around the lady. Then, she goes around him.

  1. Your partner goes around you by making a sidestep over the line of dance past you a little bit.
  2. While your partner is going around you, you step through your partner going between your partner's legs. You must get your right foot past your partner's left foot on your line of dance.
  3. If you do not get your foot past your partner's foot, you will pivot around each other in place.
  4. If you do not get your foot down your line of dance, you will pivot towards the middle of the floor.
  5. Once you place your left foot down, you must bring your body directly over your left foot getting out of your partner's way while rotating to your right.
  6. You turn in place over your left foot keeping your right foot forward. The mistake people make is letting their right foot swing behind them.
  7. This is where you need excellent balance to pivot over your left foot while your partner is going around you. Counter balancing here is helpful, but counter balancing is not a social dance step.
  8. You wait, balanced over your left leg, until your partner takes their sidestep.
  9. You are back to the beginning. While your partner is taking their sidestep, you step through your partner.
  10. Your partner places their weight on their left foot first, getting out of your way while rotating their upper body to the right, pivoting over their left leg.
  11. You then place your weight on your right foot moving your body past your partner while you turn to take your sidestep.

He Goes

He goes around her by making a sidestep over the line of dance past her a little bit.
While he is going around her, she steps through her partner going between his legs. She must get her right foot past his left foot on her line of dance.
If she does not get her foot down her line of dance, they will pivot towards the middle of the floor.
Once he places his left foot down, he must bring his body directly over his left foot getting out of her way while rotating to his right.
He turns in place over his left foot keeping his right foot forward. The mistake people make is letting their right foot swing behind them.
This is where he needs excellent balance to pivot over his left foot while she goes around him. Counter balancing here is helpful, but counter balancing is not a social dance step.
He must wait, balanced over his left leg, until she takes her sidestep.

She Goes

You are back to the beginning, but now she goes. While she is taking her sidestep, he steps through his partner between her legs.
She places her weight on her left foot first, getting out of his way while rotating her upper body to the right, pivoting over her left leg.
He then places his weight on his right foot moving his body past her while he turns to take his sidestep.
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