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Mass Delusional Psychosis Trump

Example of how forces use the internet to brainwash you. Search results for: mass delusional psychosis trump

March 3, 2025

I searched on Bing.com, Google.com, and DuckDuckGo.com for: mass delusional psychosis trump

I was looking for information on how so many people have been infected with Trump Derangement Syndrome, despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary. Instead of finding links explaining how the public has been deluded, the method itself was presented. See for yourself. Search as I did.

Note: you can find overwhelming evidence in the categorized material under Politics/Donald Trump.

All the top search results except one are from the three most popular search engines are from Trump haters. No wonder why people have Trump Derangement Syndrome.

Bing.com Search Results in Order

  1. Scientific American - The Shared Psychosis of Donald Trump and His Loyalists
  2. MSN - Donald Trump has three mental disorders as he
  3. Sharyl Attkisson - After Hours: How America Fell Victim to a Mass Delusional …
  4. Salon.com - Former Harvard psychiatrist Lance Dodes: Trump's psychosis is
  5. Salon.com - No, Trump's not delusional — it's actually much worse than that

Google.com Search Results in Order

  1. Scientific American - The Shared Psychosis of Donald Trump and His Loyalists
  2. Wikipedia - Trump derangement syndrome
  3. NBC News - The GOP's American psychosis didn't start with Trump
  4. Salon.com - Yale psychiatrist: Trump's psychosis has infected his ...
  5. Good Faith Media - Messianic Trump Syndrome: The Shared Psychosis of

Only the Wikipedia result is what I was looking for.

DuckDuckGo.com Search Results in Order

  1. Scientific American - The Shared Psychosis of Donald Trump and His Loyalists
  2. Sharyl Attkisson - After Hours: How America Fell Victim to a Mass Delusional Psychosis
  3. MSN - Donald Trump has three mental disorders as he becomes tottering
  4. Yahoo - Psychiatrist who said Trump spread shared psychosis to his
  5. Salon.com - Yale psychiatrist: Trump's psychosis has infected his followers

The second result is about Covid, not about Trump.

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