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The Fifty-First State

June 7, 2024

By Andrew Weitzen

Guns keep Jews from owning all the land. Jewish developers would buy all the land in Judea, Samaria, and Gaza. The Arabs that own the land would be thrilled to sell to the Jews because these Arabs would make a fortune. Israeli guns prevent Jews and Islamic retribution prevent Arabs from doing what they mutually want to do.

What if Israel, including Judea, Samaria, and Gaza, was the fifty-first state of the United States? What if the laws were enforced there like everywhere else in the United States? What if people there were free to do what people everywhere in the United States are free to do? What would happen?

Jews would buy all the land.

Or not.

Whoever valued the land the most would buy the land. The most valuable land in any neighborhood is the land walking distance to an orthodox, Jewish synagogue. Religious Jews will pay any price to live walking distance to where they pray on Shabbat.

Some complain that is not fair. Poorer Arabs would have to live somewhere else. This is the way of the world. No where in the world can poor people live where other people are willing to pay more.

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