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The Middle East may become a breeding place of new wars from Behind the Silken Curtain, 1947


From Behind the Silken Curtain: A Personal Account of Anglo-American Diplomacy in Palestine and the Middle East by Bartley C. Crum

Page 44
"The over-all question," I wrote, "is whether the Western democracies have moral integrity. If they do, we will win out. If they don't, I think the Middle East may become a breeding place of new wars."

Page 55
The Labour Party's Palestine plank in December, 1944, had stated unequivocally: "Let the Arabs be encouraged to move out as the Jews move in ... The Arabs have many wide territories of their own: they should not seek to exclude the Jews from the small area of Palestine which is less than the size of Wales." No official Zionist spokesman anywhere had suggested anything as drastic as this. Yet now we heard a Labour Member of Commons assert that the Jews should not be permitted to move in at all, and that the practical man would "conclude that the great warrior king, Ibn Saud, is worth cultivating." because Saudi Arabia has a great quantity of oil which the world needs.

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